The idea for a year-end event showcasing School of Engineering students’ original designs started as a scribble on the back of a cocktail napkin and culminated in the exhibition of 12 teams’ work.
The Capstone Design class for engineering students at the University of California, Merced gives students a chance to work on real-world problem-solving with businesses and agencies like BART.
Click on the link to
UC Merced alumnus Michael Urner, who was part of the campus’s 2013 Innovate to Grow competition, is one of five finalists in the University of California new “I am a UC Entrepreneur” contest.
Read more about the story here.
Innovate to Grow (I2G), the School of Engineering’s showcase for senior capstone projects and student ingenuity in engineering and entrepreneurship, is emerging as a twice-a-year event, thanks in large part to a $50,000 donation from Wells Fargo.
Read more on the story here.
Innovate to Grow (I2G), the School of Engineering’s showcase for senior capstone projects and student ingenuity in engineering and entrepreneurship, is emerging as a twice-a-year event, thanks in large part to a $50,000 donation from Wells Fargo.
“Historically a spring-only...
Wells Fargo has been a longtime supporter of UC Merced, donating nearly $2 million since its founding.
UC Merced is distinguished by its trailblazing ethos, and the university has pushed the boundaries of innovation in ways that impact both the campus and the wider community. This is due in...
Equal parts competition and exhibition, Innovate to Grow highlights student efforts in engineering, design, entrepreneurship and education, and awards those teams whose accomplishments are especially noteworthy.
Read more on the story here.
A team of UC Merced engineering students (who won first place out of 24 teams and a $5,000 prize at UC Merced’s Innovate to Grow Spring 2016 ) — plus one from a nearby state university and two from a local high school — made progress this summer on prototypes of portable machines...
Whether it was picking tomatoes, loading chickens, treating drinking water or some other project, engineering students showed off their ideas to those ends during the annual UC Merced Innovate to Grow on Friday...
Student Expo Video | Merced Sun Star Article
As a senior engineering student, Michael Urner selected a capstone project he related to.
Little did he know that his 2013 Innovation and Design Clinic Opens a New Window. (IDC) project would lead him to start his own companies through the UC Merced Venture Lab Opens a New Window. and...